London On SRF Meditation Circle web site! The world of Kriya Yoga. Are you confused?

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Some thoughts on June 27, 2013
When it comes to being a devotee of “Paramahansa Yogananda,”
He was crystal clear 
about telling us to remain loyal members of His only Path – Self-Realization Fellowship/YSS.
The blessings [grace] of the great masters flows through this divine path  of  Self-Realization Fellowship/Yogoda Sat Sangha [India]. 

One can see the value of this in SRF history, just look at the spiritual legacy of wisdom and divine examples that Paramahansa Yogananda has left us! I thank SRF/YSS leadership for so accurately/faithfully maintaining the Master’s Legacy for future millenniums. You can trust SRF publications fully. 
Judging by past results, this scientific lifestyle of Kriya Yoga really works – just the way He taught us.

Now of course everyone seems to want to get in on this somehow in their own way,
or not they first fully appreciated or understood this divine plan. You will be tempted by exaggerated friendliness, promises of teaching positions, fake titles, a more advanced teaching, rumors etc.
It is simply 
just human nature – “everybody wants to be a teacher.” Ready or not!
And a few outside of SRF want to revise all the teachings.
Whether they are spiritually ready 
or not. JD Walters was a sad example of this.
He never got over his obsessions of wanting the leadership of Yogananda’s work. He was just not one those master trained for such a position! Master knew better!
When you fail to “change yourself first” as Yogananda often said, you are not ready to be anyone else’s teacher, and your life becomes a sad misguided mess as with J D Walters and others. 

In Yogananda’s Autobiography of a Yogi someone (SY) makes a comment about –
” some persons try to make themselves look taller by chopping off the heads of others.”
This reminds me of all those wannabe gurus out there claiming to have something different, or more original, while trying to knock Yogananda’s SRF/YSS approach down. They really have nothing new or better to offer – just ignore them! Most aren’t even close! Yes, I am aware that there are many good paths to divine realization- just watch out for the wannabees. Some will lead you in the wrong way!
They are really coming out of the woodwork these days with the most imaginary claims as to why one should leave SRF for their personal product.
Don’t be fooled by every new claim and gimmick. Chasing gurus can be a misleading trip. It was always thus!
Don’t be distracted by every new “guru”on the scene, going elsewhere will not usually make up for why you are not satisfied with your present spiritual progress. One of the great keys to success in Kriya Yoga is understanding your own mind, introspect and see what you are missing where you are, how can you make more effort. Reread those lessons etc. If you disagree with this, you didn’t read the right edition of Autobiography of a Yogi[orange cover].

I have read somewhere that Lahiri Mahasaya did not teach Kriya Yoga the same
way to everyone, as different folks had different needs. And in the final analysis
there is never only one way to do anything. So what is the best way?

Paramahansa Yogananda once said,”Through these teachings you will be able to find God if you want to pay the price in perseverance and sacrifice.
If you study the weekly Self-Realization Fellowship Lessons, you will know that for the first time the greatest spiritual teachings have been scientifically systematized. If you want to know God, make the effort, give Your time, practice what you learn in the Lessons. If you do this, you shall find that I have been truthful with you. For I have made the effort for a long, long time, and I have traveled the path.
It is not always easy but it can be done.” said Paramahansa Yogananda
[SRF Mag Summer 2018] From a talk given in LA September 1937……

From the results we see in this SRF/YSS path of so many great realized souls, I would say that Yoganandaji truly got it right. Persons who are not even in SRF any longer admit that they did get great results from their SRF lessons.
Yet there is always with some persons that restless urge to prove themselves by starting their own path and having their own devotees around. When I read what some of them have been saying and doing one has to wonder just how distorted things are becoming outside of Self-Realization Fellowship/YSS.
That is where some are trying to change Yogananda’s vision and teachings prejudiced by their own desire to seem famous and appear authoritative. They really have little to show for their efforts besides a lot of talking, insults, and/or writing.

Some also make the  false comment that Yogananda did not want to teach the most advanced methods because it was so new to America. I believe that what He gave us in the SRF Lessons etc will take anyone as far as you want to go! Nowhere does the master say, “after a while you will need to change paths to take something [you imagine] is more advanced. It never works that way. Deeper attunement and loyalty with your living Guru will take you as far as anyone could ever wish to go.

By the way – if you really want to see some great media/films about Yogananda, The Self-Realization Fellowship has now come out with the great bio documentary-
News for October of 2014; see Awake! The Life of Yogananda Trailer 1, then see this amazing film.

One can even compare this situation with people publishing about Yogananda. Self-Realization Fellowship is light years ahead of anything published by other groups, besides being original and in tune with the master’s vision.

(to be continued) Namaste, pyislove……………

Yogananda for the World rediscovered

    The Wisdom of Yogananda’s Kriya Yoga

Yogananda said; “You have the power to destroy Karma,
You must guide your actions by wisdom,
not influences; be self-disciplined 

PY books 17 and follow the wisdom  guidance of a True Guru;
believe in your divine 
inheritance as a
Child of God made in His image;
associate with good company,
such as coming to church regularly, 
and practice the techniques that
 will give you the actual experience of God.”

Hear about the wisdom of Yoga,
equipped with which, 
O Arjuna, thou shalt shatter
the bonds of Karma.” from the Bhagavad Gita 11:39

“Here we teach you what to do in the silence of
meditation, especially 
the practice of Kriya Yoga,
so that you truly experience God 

 This is why Self-Realization Fellowship/YSS
is reaching all
over the world.
This path is sent by some of India’s greatest 

masters to Christ-ianize the churches and show that the
real meaning 
religion is to realize God.
Each of you by example of your life must 

                                                                be a messenger of this light.                                                                                          by Paramahansa Yogananda, From a talk in June 6, 1943

From “Journey to Self-Realization,”
(c) Self-Realization Fellowship Publishers LA USA

The Wisdom of Paramahansa Yogananda 1

The Wisdom of Paramahansa Yogananda
Yogananda on the value of Reason….on the Guru.

“Ignorance is the archenemy of man. P_Y_A_SRF_MOTHER_CENTER_MEDTherefore, to guide yourself and others by wisdom is the greatest wisdom. To all those who are around me, I speak without weighing my words. If I see error in their ways, I tell them so.
But I never try in any way to muffle anyone’s reason.

Obedience to the Guru is the surest way when one is seeking God.
Master[Swami Sri Yukteswar] first told me what to do, and afterwards gave me the reasons.
I found him unerring in his wisdom. By listening to him, I saved myself from many incarnations of roaming and trying to find the truth by myself. Guru is He who has experienced truth.
He serves as a guide in the dark forest of life. If you follow him, he will lead you out of the darkness. If you try to find the way alone, you may needlessly lose yourself in the forest for many incarnations. So follow the Guru, and he will take you through safely.

Forms and dogma should not control religion. Religion must be based on reason, and that reason is supplied by the Sankya philosophy.”

“The Divine Romance” Page 81, by Paramahansa Yogananda,
©SRF publishers LA USA [the only publisher authorized by Yogananda]

Paramahansa Yogananda’s Legacy is Self-Realization Fellowship

London Ontario Meditation Circle

of Self-Realization Fellowship/YSS

Paramahansa Yogananda Rediscovered , Kriya Yoga Masters

           WELCOME to  London Ontario SRF Meditation Circle
                               Call for directions and details   226-977-3008                               


PY  Reading on boat Titled 1926

 The Master Says, “Meditation is the science of God‑realization and the bringer of true light and happiness into our lives. It is the most practical science in the world. Most people would want to meditate if they understood its value and experienced its beneficial effects. The ultimate object of meditation is to attain conscious awareness of God – That one Reality that underlies this dream world, and the soul’s eternal oneness with Him. What achievement could be more purposeful and useful than to harness limited human faculties to the omnipresence and omnipotence of our Creator?”
God‑realization FROM MEDITATION bestows on the meditator the blessings of true LIGHT, PEACE, LOVE, JOY, POWER, AND WISDOM.

You may have lacked proper understanding, methodology, practice, motives, and Patience!
Read His wisdom again in SRF books and Lessons,
keep trying, and peace, love, and Joy will happen to you!
Healing and Light and Self-Realization will also be  yours!

“Meditation utilizes concentration in its highest form.
Concentration consists in freeing the attention from distractions and in focusing it on any thought in which one may be interested.
Meditation is that special form of concentration in which the attention has been liberated from restlessness and is focused on God.
Meditation, therefore, is concentration used to know God….”

“The first proof of God’s presence is an ineffable peace.
This evolves into joy humanly inconceivable.
Once you have touched the Source of truth and life, all nature will respond to you.
“Finding God within, you will find Him without, in all people and all conditions.” Paramahansa Yogananda, Metaphysical Meditations, (c) SRF

Our London SRF Meditation Circle has weekly meditation services
based upon  service readings format established by Paramahansa Yogananda.
Come and experience the Awareness expanding LIGHT , LOVE,  & PEACE of proper group meditation.

We have been meeting  here for many years and invite you
Call for directions and details   226-977-3008 

We are planning to have a mid-week Study group studying and meditating
           on the inspiring writings of Paramahansa Yogananda. [2014]

Yogananda created the Self-Realization Fellowship/YSS as His sole and uniquely authorized non-sectarian NRM to publish and disseminate the great Babajis teachings of Kriya Yoga as taught to Him by the Great Ones – Lahiri Mahasaya and Swami Sri Yukteswar.
Some persons  like to dispute which version of Kriya Yoga is most pure/complete.
The master said: “That same kriya Yoga that my Guru taught me, I have given you.”
The fact remains that Yogananda has left us a thoroughly proven system that will take one all the way to cosmic consciousness. That “kingdom of God ” within yourself.
You can test it all in the laboratory of your own life.
Once one becomes a student of SRF Lessons course, nothing else is really needed.
This course includes ongoing phone counseling to all SRF/YSS students of the Lessons Course…
There will be nothing accomplished by sitting at the feet of every new teacher who appears on the block.
Unless you know absolutely that the new one is greater than Yogananda. You don’t!
Everything one will ever need is in these SRF Lessons exactly as taught by Paramahansa Yogananda.
Self-Realization Fellowship & Yogananda are one.
It will take you to cosmic consciousness with the Masters help all along the way.
I experience the Guru’s help every day! And that does not even include all those other unique and inspiring revelations published by Self-Realization Fellowship -His only org.

You can get a good idea who we are by reading Yogananda’s “Autobiography of a Yogi”(orange cover).
This SRF Publishers complete edition is also available in ebook format. [ 1946 editions are incomplete and out of date!]

Another major revelation shared by Paramahansa Yogananda are the Restoration of the True teachings and concommitance of the the Bible Gospels and the Bhagavad Gita from India. Read His “The Yoga of Jesus” for a better idea of what His message is. Also read, “Autobiography of a Yogi” (orange cover editions from Self-Realization Fellowship Publishers are the only up to date, complete, and accurate editions. ( now available on Kindle from Amazon & itunes ..) Avoid the 1946 edition.
Everything that is missing from the Gospels can be found in the holy Bhagavad Gita of India, and Yogananda’s SRF writings.

<strong style=”font-size: 16px; line-height: 189px;”>
The Master also authorized only SRF/YSS Mother Center in LA USA to approve of future qualified Kriya Yoga teachers/initiators and ministers on a yearly basis who would use Yogananda’s name and teachings to assist this great cause initiated by the great ones. Persons who contradict this and other wishes of Yogananda have their own ways.

SRF GROUP MEDITATION will enrich your spiritual life and was a most
 important recommendation by Yogananda for all serious devotees.
Bring more peace and harmony into your personal life.

Enjoy the participation in our Self-Realization Fellowship community.
Group meditation will accelerate your self-transformative process. 

You can learn more about advanced Kriya Yoga meditation course by
contacting SRF Mother Centre or visiting
This web site will tell you much about Yogananda’s only organization
and offers free basic meditation instructions to all visitors…………

Paramahansa Yogananda tells us that; “Self-Realization is the knowing-in body, mind and soul- that we are one with the omnipresence of God; that we do not have to pray that it come to us, that we are not merely near it at all times, but that God’s omnipresence is our omnipresence ; that we are just as much a part of Him now as we ever will be. ……
All we have to do is improve our knowing.”


SRF/YSS is similar to “New thought ” teachings, plus the science of KRIYA YOGA
With great emphasis on meditation and balanced living.

It is non-sectarian! It is uniquely original and new! It is one of a kind!
I only wish that those who write about it would learn more about it first!

SELF-REALIZATION FELLOWSHIP is the only Kriya Yoga group recommended & founded by Paramahansa Yogananda.
reach the highest levels of Divine awareness,
 [ often called by many “the kingdom of heaven” or “Salvation”]

Taking Kriya Yoga initiation via Yogananda’s SRF/YSS will give you all you will ever need to reach cosmic consciousness,
as for those who imagine they have a better kriya yoga, or a so-called “original”KY etc, they have yet to learn there never was “only one way” for all. Even Lahiri Mahasaya gave differing initiations to different devotees according to their needs.
But if you want to work with Yogananda’s way,  He is the last Guru and strongly recommended joining Self-Realization Fellowship, and taking the SRF Lessons course in order to gain all the benefits and blessings of these teachings.


Jesus the Christ            Mahavatar Babaji        Swami Sri Yukteswar /Paramahansa Yogananda/ Lahiri Mahasaya    Bhagavan Krishna

These  LIVING PROPHETS (Gurus) are the great examples that guide and protect the lives of all sincere Kriya Yoga devotees of the One Reality.  These  manifestations of the Divine Reality represent our main inspiration and sources of  wisdom to awaken us from the worlds dream.
There Never Was – “ONLY ONE WAY.” The True picture of what ancient scriptures really mean can only be ascertained by looking at the whole picture of thousands of years of all this worlds spiritual history. Anything less will only keep one bound to dogmatism and the narrowest view of life.

True UNITY IN DIVERSITY only happens when one does not practice claims of exclusivism and abrogation of previous true scriptures. Group Meditation accelerates ones spiritual transformation and creates a healthy world community of freedom, light, and joy.

The prime message and teachings of the Great Ones is ….
“Change yourself First, then you will see clearly to enlighten others.” pp

We also honor the SAINTS AND SAGES OF ALL TRUE PATHS  and do not abrogate their teachings.
This is a balanced non-sectarian spiritual path that will enhance your awareness
of the Divine regardless of your present affiliation.

WEBMASTERS NOTE; This is not an official SRF web site;
all material here is under copyright 2012.
All SRF Quotes used under fair use understandings.

More about Yogananda and SRF    See links below >>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Yogananda’s Great Legacy explained 

Photos and quotes of Yogananda 1              cover autoyogi.gif

PYisLOVE says: 24 December 2012 re reply comment to ;

People should become aware that when a review says;
“This review is from: Autobiography of a Yogi
(Reprint of the Philosophical library 1946 First Edition) (Paperback)”
This and any blue covered out of date 1946 editions are all from
Crystal Clarity publishers [aka ananda], and are editions Paramahansa Yogananda
began changing as soon as it was you know better than the Guru?

The orange covered edition which is now on kindle for $1.99 ARF Edition only [2014] is the
only complete up to date edition which clearly represents the final instructions
for this book by Yogananda himself. It is the only edition as Yogananda wanted it to be .
And if you don’t like cheap 5mp cameras! -[ you should really try the rebel series like T5i or 7d.]
This is like the difference 
with the earlier out of date 1946 editions and the newer orange Autobiography of a Yogi  .

SRF Editions give you the full story,  fullest quality, and the best for your money.
It is in fact Yogananda’s most advanced and complete edition of this book per his wishes!

I fully trust the quality and accuracy of SRF publishers on this book.
These were the people who truly understood these teachings
and remained loyal 
to Yogananda’s work since his passing in 1952.
Yogananda Himself made many changes to this book from the start…..

The whole thing has resulted in a spiritual masterpiece
that is changing the
 way people see spirituality in today’s world……

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