London Ontario Meditation Circle of Self-Realization Fellowship, founded by Paramahansa Yogananda, Kriya Yoga

London Ontario SRF Meditation Circle. (established 1972)
Now over 50 years of weekly Meditation Readings services!

                     Phone 226 977 3008  Call for meeting details and locations……
Note; See sidebar for links to other posts by SRF London Meditation Circle of SRF /YSS>>

Note . The opinions of this site are those of the authors
and may not necessarily represent the true statements
of any org unless specifically quoted and named.

PY Reading on boat Titled 1926

Meditation is the science of God‑realization which brings true light and happiness into our lives. It is the most practical lifestyle science in the world.

Whatever trauma or baggage is preventing you from reaching your full potential of a happy, successful and meaningful life, Self-Realization Fellowship Kriya Yoga, and attunement with this Guru, will remove those barriers to success.

Most people would want to meditate if they understood its value & experienced its beneficial effects.

The ultimate object of meditation is to attain conscious awareness of God [the real Self within] – That one Reality that underlies this dream world of relativity, and the soul’s eternal oneness with Him [ The real part of our being.]
What achievement could be more purposeful and useful than to
harness the unlimited human faculties of the omnipresence and omnipotence of our Creator?
 God‑realization FROM MEDITATION bestows on the meditator
the blessings of true LIGHT, PEACE, LOVE, JOY, POWER, AND WISDOM.

The techniques and practices of SRF/YSS Kriya Yoga science are not complicated, but it is advanced, precise, and sophisticated, requiring and exactness of sustained regular serious practice as set up by the true God realized Master whose life is the first evidence of how effective His teaching is. 
One should contact SRF /YSS for the advanced kriya yoga course lessons {for a nominal fee}

PY Quotes Meditation 6 2014
“Kriya Yoga Science of Meditation is more than a set of instructions,” said Daya Mata.
Instructions are available from many sources – but what will you really get?

Many have been duped by copy cat beginners….

Through your relationship with SRF/YSS comes the Masters great blessings and help, with the true legacy of Paramahansa Yogananda and the great ones. I will assure you from my lifetime of experience with SRF/YSS Lessons course and His blessings, that if you work at this and understand what you are doing,

you will never need anything else to reach true Cosmic Consciousness. To know the God within!
It is a most complete and compassionate scientific Spiritual Path for the ages.

Our London Self-Realization Fellowship Meditation Circle has weekly meditation services based upon  service readings format established by Paramahansa Yogananda.
Come and experience the expanding Awareness,  LIGHT , LOVE,  & PEACE, and proper group meditation with us. It will change your life and successes.
Please call 2269773008 for times and directions…

This meditation circle is an advanced Yogoda spiritual community dedicated to individual Self-Realization and inner joy based upon the life and teaching of Paramahansa Yogananda, as established through
the  Self-Realization Fellowship/YSS. His only true and personally dedicated global community.

Accelerate the expanding awareness of your consciousness and universal love in this uplifting environment. Change Yourself!

Self-Realization Fellowship is not a sub group of any other religion –
it is unique, transformative, balanced, pluralistic, and spiritually refreshing.

Free of old dogmas and non-functional rituals. This Yoga is truly scientific !
We have been meeting  here for many years and invite you to please call us at;
226-977-3008 for times, directions, and other meeting details,
We are planning to have a mid-week Study group studying and meditating the inspiring writings of Paramahansa Yogananda at a future date.
Yogananda tells all devotees to always work with
His own Self-Realization Fellowship/YSS centres.

“Practice (SRF/YSS) Kriya Yoga, and you will surely succeed on the spiritual path. That is my own experience. The liberating power of Kriya Yoga sunders the prison bars of karma. I have never found in East or West such a great technique as this. Everyone who is a follower of Kriya and of this path of Self-Realization Fellowship will go far ahead. Meditate and see the results in yourself…” .
….said Paramahansa Yogananda.

Yogananda created the Self-Realization Fellowship/YSS as His sole and uniquely authorized non-sectarian NRM to publish and disseminate the great Babaji’s teachings of Kriya Yoga as taught to Him by the great ones – Lahiri Mahasaya and Swami Sri Yukteswar.  Some persons  like to dispute which version of Kriya is most pure, but the fact remains that Yogananda has left us a thoroughly proven system that will take one all the way to cosmic consciousness.

Once one becomes a student of SRF Lessons course, nothing else is needed.
Everything one will ever need is in the SRF Lessons course as taught by Paramahansa Yogananda
through Self-Realization Fellowship. These advanced spiritual SRF Lessons are accompanied by ongoing personal counseling and Kriya Yoga initiations.

Another major revelation shared by Paramahansa Yogananda was the Restoration of the True teachings and concommitance of the the Bible Gospels and the Bhagavad Gita from India.
Read His “The Yoga of Jesus” and/or “The Yoga of the Bhagavad Gita” for a better idea of what His revelatory message is.
Also read, “Autobiography of a Yogi” (orange cover editions from Self-Realization Fellowship Publishers are the only up to date, complete, and accurate editions.)  now available on Kindle or from other publishers, be sure to buy the “SRF Publishers” complete edition!)

The Master also authorized SRF/YSS Mother Center president in LA USA to approve all future qualified Kriya Yoga teachers/initiators and ministers on a yearly basis who would use Yogananda’s name and teachings to assist this great cause initiated by the great ones.
As authorized by the current SRF/YSS President.

SRF GROUP MEDITATION will enrich your spiritual life, and was a most
 important recommendation by Yogananda for all serious YSS/SRF devotees.
Bring more peace and harmony into your personal life.
The meditation group is our community of Master’s SRF/YSS devotees world-wide. Your regular attendance will help you sustain a stronger personal practice of your spiritual sadhana.

Meeting together on a regular basis is one of the greatest aids in helping a new devotees personal growth and happiness. You will find that overcoming negative moods and addictions is easier.

By attending these sacred meetings you support Masters community and His great world wide work
that is enhancing World Peace and the growth of Human consciousness.

Enjoy the participation in our weekly London Self-Realization Fellowship community meditations.
Group meditation will accelerate your self-transformative process, spiritual understanding,
and motivate you to meditate daily while enriching your life, health, and and well-being. 

You can learn more about SRF Kriya Yoga meditation lessons course
by contacting SRF Mother Centre or visiting
This web site will tell you much about Yogananda’s only organization

and offers free basic meditation instructions to all visitors…………
There are many inspiring – Self-Help talks and tips on the net , You Tube, etc
If you wish to learn more about the life and work of Paramahansa Yogananda,
see these links also: “The Yogananda Site” and “SRF Answers” .

Paramahansa Yogananda tells us that;

“Self-Realization is the knowing-in body, mind and soul- that we are one with the omnipresence of God; that we do not have to pray that it come to us, that we are not merely near it at all times, but that God’s omnipresence is our omnipresence ; that we are just as much a part of Him now as we ever will be. All we have to do is improve our knowing.”


KRIYA YOGA is more than a set of instructions. Unless you take some preliminary training, unless you understand the value and necessity of Surrender, Unless you take this course as the master has set it up,
You will not gain what should be gained when practicing Kriya Yoga. You will think that the method does not really work that well – but the real problem will normally lie in your attitudes to the Guru. Loyalty and attunement are needed!

It is non-sectarian! It is uniquely original and new! It is one of a kind!
I only wish that those who write about it would learn more about it first!

SELF-REALIZATION FELLOWSHIP / Yogoda Sat Sangha is the only Kriya Yoga group recommended & founded by Paramahansa Yogananda.
SELF-REALIZATION FELLOWSHIP /YSS TEACHES THE COMPLETE KRIYA YOGA, including the higher Kriyas necessary to reach the highest levels of Divine awareness, [ often called by many “the kingdom of heaven” or “Salvation”].

Taking Kriya Yoga initiation via Yogananda’s SRF/YSS will give you all you will ever need to reach Cosmic Consciousness. As for those who imagine they have a better kriya yoga, or a so-called “original “Kriya Yoga etc, they have yet to learn there never was “only one way” for all.
Even Lahiri Mahasaya gave differing initiations to different devotees according to their needs.
But if you want to work with Yogananda’s way via SRF/YSS,  He is the last Guru and strongly recommended joining Self-Realization Fellowship, and taking the SRF Lessons course in order to gain all the benefits and blessings of these teachings.
These Living Masters give their direct help and protection to loyal SRF/YSS devotees.
They are more than a mediators between us and God. They are your goal of Union with reality.

These photos represent the true lineage of SRF/YSS.

Jesus [Jeshua} a Christ circa 33 ce

Mahavatar Babaji [Still in the body at 2024, birthdate unknown]

Swami Sri Yukteswar 1855 – 1936 India

Paramahansa Yogananda 1893 – 1952 India

Lahiri Mahasaya ,30 September 1828 – 26 September 1895) India

Bhagavan Krishna circa 6500 BCE of India.

Jesus the Christ            Mahavatar Babaji        Swami Sri Yukteswar /Paramahansa Yogananda/ Lahiri Mahasaya    Bhagavan Krishna

These  LIVING PROPHETS (Gurus) are the great examples that guide and protect the lives of all sincere Kriya Yoga devotees of the One Reality. The true Guru is more than a teacher, yet is now a mediator between you and God.
 These  manifestations of the Divine Reality represent our main inspiration and sources of  wisdom to awaken us from the worlds dream.
There Never Was – “ONLY ONE WAY.”
There Never Was – “ONLY ONE SAVOIR ”
There Never Was- “ONLY ONE HOLY BOOK” called God’s word!
The above popular traps of some religions are holdovers from darker ages.

The True picture of what ancient scriptures really mean can only be intuitively ascertained by looking at the whole picture of thousands of years of all this worlds spiritual history. Anything less will only keep one bound to dogmatism and the narrowest views of life.
No one religion can honestly claim to be the “only way” to live and find salvation from this world of relativity. The “only way” slogan is no more than con.

True UNITY IN DIVERSITY only happens when one does not practice claims of exclusivism and abrogation of previous true Dispensations/scriptures. 
Group Meditation accelerates ones spiritual transformation and creates a healthy world community of freedom, light, joy, and peace.

The prime message and teachings of the Great Ones is ….
“Change yourself First, then you will see clearly to enlighten others.” pp

We also honor the SAINTS AND SAGES OF ALL TRUE PATHS  and do not abrogate their esoteric teachings.
This is a balanced non-sectarian scientific spiritual path that will enhance your awareness of the Divine regardless of your present affiliation. Narrowness and dogmatism must be left behind!
WEBMASTERS NOTE; This is not an official SRF/YSS web site; all original material here is under copy write 2012.-2020.
All SRF Quotes used under fair use law with understandings with appreciation.
And are used as a contribution to further the work of Paramahansa Yogananda’s great mission…

More about Yogananda and SRF    See links below >>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Yogananda’s Great Legacy explained 

Photos and quotes of Yogananda 1              cover autoyogi.gif

The orange covered edition [by Self-Realization Fellowship Publishers]
which is now on kindle at $1.99 [2014], is the only complete edition

 which clearly represents the final instructions for this SRF book
 by Yogananda – as He wanted it.
It is the only up to date and complete edition available anywhere, just as Yogananda had it revised to be. His personally trained editors were spiritually advanced souls who fully understood Yogananda’s directions for His great mission to the world.
SRF Editions give you the full story,  the best quality, for your money.
The best part of all this is that SRF edition comes with the Guru’s blessings and darshan.

I fully trust the quality and accuracy of SRF publishers on this book.
These were the people who truly understood these teachings
and remained loyal to Yogananda’s work since his passing in 1952.

Yogananda Himself made many changes to this book from the start…..
If he wanted it to be read as originally printed He would
n’t have made any changes.
For persons who are “psychological antiques” it still remains a sacred cow!
The whole SRF editions  with orange cover has resulted in a spiritual masterpiece
that is changing the way people see spirituality in the world……
Now available from SRF/YSS in over 60 Languages world wide.