Greatest exercise system!

At about 15yrs a neighbor got me interested in physical fitness.
There was a spare room in our large home that I was later allowed to use as a personal
While saving up for a set of barbells, I was making the equipment for
the new home gym.
I had some weightlifting mags and a couple of books on anatomy….the human body is an
interesting machine. This was the beginning of my health education that in recent years gave me
the wonderful blessing of avoiding the Covid 19 Vaxx trap. (it was never fully tested)
The rush to practice the Science of Profiteering was to intense that doctors were not allowed
to mention many better cures. Thus the most dangerous of all the vaccines pushed on the human race.
[ Perhaps that is why Mahatma Gandhi said to a great journalist, (in circa 1945)
“You have no idea how much harm modern medical practice has done to the human race”.]

Great day when the weights arrived! I followed a program and kept careful records,
progress was very steady and confidence building.
I gained so many benefits from this activity, since as I started off as a pretty skinny kid
with a lower than normal IQ…
After about 30 months of faithful practice this body was more like magazine weight lifting
models (not too bulky though), and my school marks went to the top 10% of the class.
Waking up ones brain at puberty is an amazing experience, master is always pointing us in
the best direction at every moment of life’s journey! Seize those precious opportunities!

Around this time an unknown genius (Paul D Frank) moved into my neighborhood.
This noble man became a mentor to me for a year or two. Also became a great lifelong friend.
Little did I know at the time that he had studied the Self-Realization Fellowship Lessons course.
Although I don’t believe he ever received Kriya Yoga initiation. 
As brilliant as he was, his heart was still enshrouded by the dark childhood indoctrinations of the Orthodoxy of the RC church.
This otherwise talented genius (of many academic fields and music) never mentioned Yogananda’s name, but he did have a copy of the energization exercises that he had typed out and presented to me.
Being impressed with my progress in the health and fitness area, he asked me to stop the weights and try this isometric (EE) Yogoda program for a while.
Master is always working in the background of our lives! As I found out several years later.

Well, after a few months of practicing the Yogoda exercise system I sold my weights and equipment to a family friend, as I was getting similar results without using any equipment!
The logic was obvious to me. Eventually I also learned Hatha Yoga postures. And became a yoga instructor years later as well. About 1975 I stopped teaching as it was time to concentrate more fully on my hearts true Sadhana with SRF/YSS meditation and Yogoda workouts. Kriya Yoga is the greatest! Also found monastics at SRF so inspiring and dedicated.

After establishing my routine with the Energization exercises, this same mentor encouraged me to study the new testament and other works. It was a study I found to be both enlightening and fascinating. As wonderful as I found these biblical writings, I found no personal connection with Jesus as a Guru figure or personal teacher. Being my own teacher in those early years on this adventure of amazing discoveries, had not imagined there were still such great ones wandering the planet.
This led to and expanded study of comparative religion following my introduction to the Holy Bhagavad Gita. Then the sacred scriptures of other various religions for a few more years. It was clear to me early on that my heart was always with the Sanatana Dharma, [Hinduism and Yoga}

I was deeply impressed with the correlation between the Bhagavad Gita of Krishna and New Testament concepts.
Whatever the Gospels were brief about, Lord Krishna explained in precise scientific detail, and when Jesus explained other matter in detail, Lord Krishna [6500 BC] was very brief about. It was all at the same level of teaching. It took the Hebrew tribes another Ten thousand years to be ready for that lofty mystical teaching of the science of Yoga and universal unconditional divine love….And even in this age of science and electronics the science of Kriya Yoga is still millennia ahead of Western social and spiritual awareness!

When I found the Gita and it supported the unorthodox interpretations that I had been making from the Gospels. I soon left the family church and went on from there to research more of the worlds faiths.

The Gita of Santana Dharma is amazing, unique, and undogmatic. Everything that JC mentions briefly Lord Krishna explains in detail, including comments on the science of Kriya Yoga. It was and still is one of my favorite reads. It is praised by great souls around the world. It is “the word of God”.
It is the foundation of a true Religion of Peace! The Hindu history bears this out very clearly.

It was not until 6 yrs later of deep study of world religions that Master posthumously introduced himself to me. Then, when I promptly sent away for the SRF lessons course it all came together! The autobiography and the SRF Lessons elevated me to a whole new dimension of learning and awareness.
I knew I was finally Home. When the pupil is ready the master appears!
This is the beginning of true freedom and real spiritual progress.
Obedience to a true Guru is the beginning of the souls ascent to psychological and spiritual enlightenment.
This obedience results in an accelerated expanding freedom of thought and awareness, literally dissolving
ones previous indoctrinations and false belief’s. Opening the doors of heaven, creativity, and a joyful peace.

Many years later I was visiting this same mentor in Red Deer Alberta , Canada. Our ensuing conversations over a 3 day visit caused him to finally mention that he had read Yogananda’s “Autobiography of a Yogi ” shortly before meeting me at Niagara years ago….
Finally I knew where those amazing exercises came from, but my mentor never once mentioned Guruji’s name till about those 35 years later. Someone gave me his number and we were able to meet again after those many years, resulting in a completion of our understanding of how Master was working.
He soon read the Autobiography of a Yogi again just before he passed on.

I find it so amazing that he would ask me for a copy of the worlds most sacred book “Autobiography of a Yogi “, after so many years of not mentioning the Paramahansaji’s name.

Apparently near the end of his life he had overcome the dark indoctrinations of the Church and was ready to move into the higher teaching of the science of Yoga. Although he did mention various things about Yogis many years previous.
Master sent me to him as a youth to accelerate my search[a great blessing].
Master later sent me back to help him when we were older, returning the service!
He was then able to appreciate the true value of Autobiography of a Yogi after seeing what it did for my life as an older an wiser seeker that he became.

As it now turns out, over the years a number of research programs have proven Yogananda’s isometric [Yogoda] system to be one of the worlds superior exercise regimens in many ways.
The EEs (the Yogoda System) were created by Yoganandaji for His new school in India before coming to America. These are tension and relaxing resistance movements.
Everything He brought us was unique and life enhancing!
Paramahansa Yogananda is this worlds most recent major living savior / Avatar.
It is such a blessing to be taught by one of the worlds greatest educators!

1. Yogoda system exercises muscle groups and is based upon Yoga principles.
It is a form of Pranayam. Working with the life force gives you control over it.
One does become more and more attuned to the cellular intelligence and prana.
Knowing more and more how to be aware of and then heal your own body.

2. It gives greater normalization of blood pressure than any other system.
Dr Mercola notes; “Exercise regularly — Exercise is well-known for its ability to normalize blood pressure, but all forms of exercise are not the same in this regard. A recent investigation revealed that isometric exercise, where your muscles are in static contraction, is the most effective for lowering blood pressure, while aerobic exercise is next to last in terms of effectiveness.

3. The EE [ Yogoda] not only tones the Muscles but results in nerve toning as well. Thus saving one in later life from the dangers of neuropathic diseases and early aging.

4. The EE is also a form of pranayam and effectively prepares the devotee for meditation by giving him/her greater conscious control of every body cell/muscle/nerve and the very energy [prana] that sustains them.

5. These Yogoda exercises act as an ideal pump for the lymphatic system, cleansing the system of waste materials by circulating waste to the organs that purify the blood and lymph.
Read about the dangers of Lymphoma pathologies and cancer;
Keeping the fluids in the body tissues clean and refreshed while assisting the functions of other organs.

6. The very nature of Yogoda exercises with the repetitive actions of “letting go” and the very simple discipline of regular exercise regimen forms a very rewarding disciplinary lifestyle practice.
The power of “letting go” is a very valuable skill to staying free of stress and mastering techniques of meditation!

7.The concentration on recharging body areas and your aura gives increasing awareness to ones consciousness.

8. These resistance exercises no doubt will recharge the telomeres of every bodily cell, sustaining lasting youthfulness by refreshing the DNA of that cell and its functions.
Parts of our DNA structures are always experience various wear, tear and rebuilding processes. That’s why Master Paramahansa Yogananda for a time referred to these EE’s as “Tissue memory rebuilding.”
He Himself did these exercises every day till He left the body in March 7,1952.

Does this seem like a short life for one who has mastered time and space and all human morals and the
human consciousness? Not really. You have to see the whole picture and what He genetically started off with. Some of His ancestors suffered generations of near starvation and poverty.
Paramahansa Yogananda’s life achievements by any measure was extraordinary and beyond genius.

If you will ever take the trouble to fully study this amazing life in our modern times you will find out That;
  Never before in Human History on the amazing planet, has a prophet, savior, Son of God ever left the
  world such a complete, verifiable, life enhancing, and spiritually transforming corpus of “The word of God” for our burgeoning and rapidly expanding global civilizations.
This is a fully Self-Realized saint out India’s Sanatana Dharmic wisdom who, less than 100 years ago was walking and talking on the streets of America [and other parts of the modern world].

Healing in all manner of ways untold persons of mental in harmony, Physical diseases and Spiritual Ignorance, with untold witnesses and records left behind.
I have Personally interviewed or heard from some of these reliable witnesses first hand of the many
miraculous incidents that transformed and enhanced their live and fortunes.

I hereby add testimony to millions of other devotees of a truly great Soul in our modern era, whose
history is sound and unexaggerated or misrepresented by the shifting sands of time and memory.
He still is a true “Living Master” working through His sincere devotees who are attuned to Him.
my personal declaration!…….Fp

///////////////////more to follow………………………..